Songs of those days

  • "In The Aeroplane Over The Sea" - Neutral Milk Hotel
  • "Holiday In Spain" - Counting Crows
  • "Travelling Light" - Tindersticks
  • "Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss" - Built To Spill
  • "8 AM Departure" - The Perishers

fredag 26 oktober 2007

Deus is in the house

Our roommates came home in the early morning, as usual I am very sensitive to sound so I woke up. But after some minutes I fell asleep again. At around noon we started our day, breakfast in a small park with local people. Some alcoholics, some kids free from school, dogs running around. We have come to the conclusion that children and dogs have a better life in this country, or at least in the parts of town we have visited.

While Lisa did some studying I sat down and listend to the conversation of some girls : politics, clothes, boys and make-up!

After that we walked a little more and ended up in another plaza where we decided to crash. A pretty meeting between generations. Music in my ears while Lisa enjoyed sun-bathing, I will most probably live of this hours of sun for quite some time.

Then we needed coffee, tapas and backgammon. I started my climb back to the top and I am confident that I can break this spell of bad luck.

Some more walking around, looking at people and things, smiling when we notice the same things ( a common practice ).

Now back at the hostel we both decided that a shower is not a requirement for good life and so we saved Madrid some gallons of water. So instead we are hanging in the lobby ( filled with people ). The plans for tonight is more walks, more food and lots of beer. The town i buzzing so it won't be hard to have a good time. Maybe back to the jazz club?! who knows.

Today has been about people, faces and places. Walking slowly, studying everything, sucking the blood of what we can. A lot of sweds in town today, but we ignore them as they ignore us.

Every where we get reminded that Spain is a catholic country and that god is in the house.

Churros für alle!

Idag har vi suttit i solen på en massa torg och caféer. Lunkat fram genom staden. Slappat. Ätit churros och tapas.
Fredag i Madrid, och vi tar det som det kommer helt enkelt. Folk flockas nere på gatorna och överallt. Blir svårt att misslyckas i en stad full av liv.

Fridays places and faces

Chance blamed fate

Whatever we choose to do in life it's all a throw of the dice. But the dice are loaded and so chance is actually fate.

Today was a grand example of what happens when you don't look at watches, don't use a map or get directions. When fate leads you to find what you where looking for, a secret hand that always pushes you in the right direction if you only let it take command.

The walks, the views, the places, the space age popup red light thing. Small streets filled with magical potential.

This night we let chance ( fate ) lead us to the right food, the right talks, the right game, the right stage.

Oh, and baby, it wasn't chance or bad planning that made us miss the tickets to Patti, it was fate.

Let's hope fate brings new adventures in the morning!

Great Madrid evening

Torsdag kväll blev allt annat än ganska bra. För den blev superBÄST!

Slumpen, eller sannolikheterna (whatever), tar oss rätt, tydligen. Till ställen som får oss att le och trivas, av olika anledningar.

Maten blev tapas, igen, alltid lika gott. På trevligt ställe i snygga färger, rätt belysning, fina servitörer och fula hästar, och vykorten var ännu värre.

Sen gin&tonic på pretto-jazz-stället. Och snack, om deep stuff, och om sånt som behövs snackas om. Skönt och bra, såklart.

Ytterligare en slump senare blev den efterlängtade biljardmatchen av. Jaja OKEJ jag erkänner, Alex vann. Men det var jämnt.

Vi behöver bara fortsätta några få steg längre bort på en gata i Madrids mysiga och trevliga kvarter, för att hitta ett bluesjam på ett icke-pretto jazz-ställe. Skoj.

Tillbaks på Hostal Metropolitan, ett par backgammonvinster, öl i lobbyn, sura receptionisten. Musik från macbooken. Hoppas roomiesarna dröjer ett tag till. Men det är sent. Äsch, sova kan man göra sen. Ju.